We live in a natural body, which means we live in a corruptible, physical body. We can say the same applies to our conscious thoughts. Only God's divine spiritual body is without flaw, for He is sovereign among all creation. We deal with the irrational as well as the rational in everyday life. And sometimes the irrational behavior can make an individual, who has fallen away from Christ do things that are sinful, hurtful and dangerous to others and to the individual temple God has given to humankind. So let us explore God's word on lust, and this particular type of infidelity, as well as self indulgent behavior, greed, hunger and sin, as well at selfishness. You see, they all appear in one's lust, no matter what venue it appears in; sin is sin. It is responsible for breaking up many marriages and relationships. Most importantly it tears at the spiritual bond one should have with the Father by destroying the morality of life itself.
Colossians 3: 1-14 - 1) Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts o things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2) Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3) For you died, and your life is now hidden with the Christ in God. 4( When Christ who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. 5) Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature; sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. 6) Because of these, the wrath of God is coming. 7) You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. 8) But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these; anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. 9) Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices 10)and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.
In the beginning as God created Adam and made woman from his rib, they became equal partners that were to compliment each other and help one another. (Genesis, chapters. 1 & 2) God gave to them a world on earth, and paradise if you may. They need for nothing because the Fathers provision sustained them by His hand of grace. They visualized neither lies nor lust, though not clothed, because the body was in a state of love and righteousness, not corruptible at the beginning of time. We know how the rest of the of it goes. Eve listened to the serpent, which was Satan and gave Adam the fruit. He was there with Eve, he could of said no, but they chose to disobey the will of God. Once they obtained knowledge they realized they were naked and covered themselves with fig leaves. Now, they have just established a corruptible body. Paradise became short lived. From that point on, man has continually destroyed everything good that God has provided for him.
The story of Adam and Eve tells about creation from the book of Genesis to the fall of Adam and Eve to salvation through Christ crucifixion and the reconciliation we have with the Father through the Son.. The bible is our road map to righteousness and all that is good. God the Father wants a relationship with each and everyone of us, but we have turned our backs on Him and have given into a world perception of lurid enticements, fun, pleasure, excitement, that is contrary to the very reason of our existence before God.
Sexual temptation is everywhere! You see it in the media, hear it on the radio, and witness it in public, as well as the countless billboards and those one-eight hundred numbers that appeal to the people who are vulnerable and weak of heart. You know what I'm talking about, those displaying sexually explicit girls that are scantly clothed. These are outrages, outcries, but definitely not from God. It is often this very hunger that weakens the heart and allows Satan to filter into ones life, piercing their world into the darkness of evil. This type of behavior prevents one from a right relationship with the Father, because He is holy and will not allow this behavior to touch Him. He cannot allow this behavior too, which is why Christ Jesus intercedes for our sin. Remember one thing, it is ultimately up to the Father, knowing the sincerity of ones heart, whether they will be forgiven when ones judgement day arrives.
Proverbs 6:25 - Do not lust in your heart after her beauty or let her captivate you with her eyes.
It is said that your eyes are the window to the soul. Our eyes are highly functional part of everyday life. Yet, they have a two fold purpose, when using them to do things not appropriate with spiritual living. We use them to work, clean house, do chores, drive the children to their games etc. We look, we see. It is a marvelous part of the human body! What would we do without them? We have a choice to see with them for the right reasons or for dispictable reasons. Woman put on make up and fix their eye's in such a way they are able to speak to others. She may use her eyes to flirt. She is using her eyes for sexual immorality. Man also finds ways to use his body or language that compounds a situation for his self satisfactions. It may be calling a women by the word "love" or by giving one a little pat on the deariere, perhaps a dirty little joke. Wake up! This is committing adultery! If one is in a right place with Christ one will not lust for the things Satan wants us to lust for. Listen! You are not right with the Father if you are lusting after the things of the world!
Both men and women are accountable for their actions. Within the confines of immorality you will have jealousy, rage, anger, hatred, waywardness, revenge and self destruction, because you somewhere in your life have lost the purpose of love and admiration for the holiness of life. This sin is beyond original sin, which we were forgiven for. It is a wicked sin that only causes destruction in it's path. Jesus shows us that connection between lust and adultery in Matthew 5:28 - But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. This is not just a passing glance, but one who will lust at the opposite sex with a stare that arouses sexual desires. This can be in person, at a distance, from magazines, pornography on the Internet. This willing desire is the sinful ways one walks away from God the Father and into a world of darkness. If we glorify ourselves and not God, then we tend to think in ungodly ways such as the body provoking unthinkable sin. One must control these urges because you are controlled by the Spirit and not by the sinful nature; that is the Spirit of God lives in you (Romans 8:9)
As Paul is speaking, he tells us that the cross is to separate us from all that is sensually enticing, sinful, selfish and lusting, for these things are the pride in ones life, his desires and not of Christ dwelling in ones heart. You need to look to the Lord as your Savior to help you get back on track. These passages in Colossians are telling all of us how we should be living and what we are to believe in. Many times we act out because we do not fully understand who we are. We reap what we sow. Some people do not have a spiritual foundation to claim. Understand this; Christ came and He died and He was raised. We all belong to Him. This is who we are before God. This is the spiritual foundation that is in us all. This is a new way of life and a position we are to live as Christians in Christ. Understand this; as we put off our old self with those old sinful ways we put on a new self before Christ. So, the question, is it okay to lust once in a while. Absolutely not! God gave us love and sexuality, not for man to pervert the way he has. Even our sexual nature is to glorify God the Father. Don't allow yourself to be one more fool in a world of fools. A new Christian will put on a new heart of compassion and humility in love and not in fantasy. Allow Christ to richly dwell inside you and thank Him every day of every moment for showing you who you really are. There is no good time to lust or to be self indulging. There is no right time be consciously hidden in the lust of world deviation. It is wrong! It is from mans perverted pleasures and not of God. Give yourself to the Lord today and ask Him to change your path in life, so your not the one who's going to break up that next marriage or relationship for a few moments of fantasy pleasure. It's just not worth it. More importantly, it's not worth God turning His face away from you. He wants all to come to Him, so that He can show you what a "right:" and "loving" relationship is made of, and it's not lust.
God bless, Deaconess Barb
Colossians 3: 1-14 - 1) Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts o things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2) Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3) For you died, and your life is now hidden with the Christ in God. 4( When Christ who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. 5) Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature; sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. 6) Because of these, the wrath of God is coming. 7) You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. 8) But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these; anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. 9) Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices 10)and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.
In the beginning as God created Adam and made woman from his rib, they became equal partners that were to compliment each other and help one another. (Genesis, chapters. 1 & 2) God gave to them a world on earth, and paradise if you may. They need for nothing because the Fathers provision sustained them by His hand of grace. They visualized neither lies nor lust, though not clothed, because the body was in a state of love and righteousness, not corruptible at the beginning of time. We know how the rest of the of it goes. Eve listened to the serpent, which was Satan and gave Adam the fruit. He was there with Eve, he could of said no, but they chose to disobey the will of God. Once they obtained knowledge they realized they were naked and covered themselves with fig leaves. Now, they have just established a corruptible body. Paradise became short lived. From that point on, man has continually destroyed everything good that God has provided for him.
The story of Adam and Eve tells about creation from the book of Genesis to the fall of Adam and Eve to salvation through Christ crucifixion and the reconciliation we have with the Father through the Son.. The bible is our road map to righteousness and all that is good. God the Father wants a relationship with each and everyone of us, but we have turned our backs on Him and have given into a world perception of lurid enticements, fun, pleasure, excitement, that is contrary to the very reason of our existence before God.
Sexual temptation is everywhere! You see it in the media, hear it on the radio, and witness it in public, as well as the countless billboards and those one-eight hundred numbers that appeal to the people who are vulnerable and weak of heart. You know what I'm talking about, those displaying sexually explicit girls that are scantly clothed. These are outrages, outcries, but definitely not from God. It is often this very hunger that weakens the heart and allows Satan to filter into ones life, piercing their world into the darkness of evil. This type of behavior prevents one from a right relationship with the Father, because He is holy and will not allow this behavior to touch Him. He cannot allow this behavior too, which is why Christ Jesus intercedes for our sin. Remember one thing, it is ultimately up to the Father, knowing the sincerity of ones heart, whether they will be forgiven when ones judgement day arrives.
Proverbs 6:25 - Do not lust in your heart after her beauty or let her captivate you with her eyes.
It is said that your eyes are the window to the soul. Our eyes are highly functional part of everyday life. Yet, they have a two fold purpose, when using them to do things not appropriate with spiritual living. We use them to work, clean house, do chores, drive the children to their games etc. We look, we see. It is a marvelous part of the human body! What would we do without them? We have a choice to see with them for the right reasons or for dispictable reasons. Woman put on make up and fix their eye's in such a way they are able to speak to others. She may use her eyes to flirt. She is using her eyes for sexual immorality. Man also finds ways to use his body or language that compounds a situation for his self satisfactions. It may be calling a women by the word "love" or by giving one a little pat on the deariere, perhaps a dirty little joke. Wake up! This is committing adultery! If one is in a right place with Christ one will not lust for the things Satan wants us to lust for. Listen! You are not right with the Father if you are lusting after the things of the world!
Both men and women are accountable for their actions. Within the confines of immorality you will have jealousy, rage, anger, hatred, waywardness, revenge and self destruction, because you somewhere in your life have lost the purpose of love and admiration for the holiness of life. This sin is beyond original sin, which we were forgiven for. It is a wicked sin that only causes destruction in it's path. Jesus shows us that connection between lust and adultery in Matthew 5:28 - But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. This is not just a passing glance, but one who will lust at the opposite sex with a stare that arouses sexual desires. This can be in person, at a distance, from magazines, pornography on the Internet. This willing desire is the sinful ways one walks away from God the Father and into a world of darkness. If we glorify ourselves and not God, then we tend to think in ungodly ways such as the body provoking unthinkable sin. One must control these urges because you are controlled by the Spirit and not by the sinful nature; that is the Spirit of God lives in you (Romans 8:9)
As Paul is speaking, he tells us that the cross is to separate us from all that is sensually enticing, sinful, selfish and lusting, for these things are the pride in ones life, his desires and not of Christ dwelling in ones heart. You need to look to the Lord as your Savior to help you get back on track. These passages in Colossians are telling all of us how we should be living and what we are to believe in. Many times we act out because we do not fully understand who we are. We reap what we sow. Some people do not have a spiritual foundation to claim. Understand this; Christ came and He died and He was raised. We all belong to Him. This is who we are before God. This is the spiritual foundation that is in us all. This is a new way of life and a position we are to live as Christians in Christ. Understand this; as we put off our old self with those old sinful ways we put on a new self before Christ. So, the question, is it okay to lust once in a while. Absolutely not! God gave us love and sexuality, not for man to pervert the way he has. Even our sexual nature is to glorify God the Father. Don't allow yourself to be one more fool in a world of fools. A new Christian will put on a new heart of compassion and humility in love and not in fantasy. Allow Christ to richly dwell inside you and thank Him every day of every moment for showing you who you really are. There is no good time to lust or to be self indulging. There is no right time be consciously hidden in the lust of world deviation. It is wrong! It is from mans perverted pleasures and not of God. Give yourself to the Lord today and ask Him to change your path in life, so your not the one who's going to break up that next marriage or relationship for a few moments of fantasy pleasure. It's just not worth it. More importantly, it's not worth God turning His face away from you. He wants all to come to Him, so that He can show you what a "right:" and "loving" relationship is made of, and it's not lust.
God bless, Deaconess Barb
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