4) For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. 8) Therefore, anyone who rejects this instruction does not reject a human being but God, the very God who gives you His Holy Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 4: 7,8. What Paul's is telling each of us here, is to live to please God. It is the will of God that we be sanctified. What does this mean? It is setting oneself apart from all immoral acts of life that this world will and does entice each of us with. It is setting claim to your physical and spiritual body, right from wrong, good from evil, blamelessness from all sinful behavior. It is staying in the Word of God and always growing in wisdom and in understanding, that brings you knowledge that truly pleases God. This does not come easy. It is learning to control your thoughts, language and most importantly your body in such a manner that does not take away from your focus on the Lord. It is using this life as a place for building a sacred part of you, that you can share with others in a compassionate and holy forum. Some people spend a life time trying to figure out "why" they are put on this earth? The answer is right here; TO PLEASE GOD, and for no other reason. It sounds simple, but like anything great; the crown at the end of the race, takes hard work and determination. It takes the same passion and commitment that we put into something we really enjoy. The only difference is, that the reward is not temporary, it is eternal; eternity! Basically we should mind our own business, do our work, love our neighbor and worship the Lord. This includes services in all glory to Him. God gives to us the Holy Spirit to help guide us in our daily living, because He knows we struggle and are constantly besieged in a world of sin. Paul tells us to honor our body in a way that is holy. Our body is our temple and until we start to think of it as such, we will continue to be lured into things that do not please God. If you are not pleasing God with the life style you are living, then who are you pleasing...................................?