Friday, July 29, 2011

In the Light

Devotional... 1) If I speak in human or angelic tongues, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a changing cymbal.  2) If I have the gift of prophecy and can  fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.  3) If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship, that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.  1 Corinthians `3:1-3,   Love!  A simple, four letter word with such an enormous impact on life.  How many times have we thought about the meaning of the word, "love?"  Love is indispensable!  It can be purposeful or fallacious, depending on ones situation.  Yet, it is eternal and has been since the beginning of time.  John 3:16, for God so loved the world = he loved us first.  All love comes from the Father.  That He gave His one and only Son- Jesus, a propitiation for mans sin; yours and mine.  Whoever believes in Him shall not perish - He not only gives us faith, but surrounds it in the love blood of Jesus.  God does not want for any of His children to perish, this is not intent.  But have eternal life - a promise from the Father who loves us.  He has provided and prepared a place for us with a new spiritual body, upon our death.  Without God sending a Savior, without His eternal love, we have nothing, and are nothing as everything we do becomes redundant and complacent without love, for God Himself is Love!  The Father gives us all a very specific command to "love one another."  This may place you out of your comfort zone, but the power of love can overcome all worries, anxieties, dislikes, dissension and hatred, we, as flawed people carry inside us daily,  Perhaps we do this in defense, or because of our inadequacies, or we tend to be on the offensive,  There is a number of reason love is difficult for individuals to obtain. sounds like it is a hard thing to attain than first thought?  It is a devotion that is constantly challenged.  True love isn't easy for the average person.  Sometimes it's a work in progress.  It surely is not easy without the Lord God.  But once we understand His love for us, through His eye's eye's of love for the world He created, and in His heart for all of human kinds, then it becomes easier to love.  More importantly, it helps us to give love easier and more generously, with compassion and kindness in thought; a reverent spirit of giving.  Love is what God is all about.  Love is why He sent his Son.  It is not singing in perfect harmony.  It is not preaching in just the right tone.  It is the perfection you gain from faith in Jesus, a perfect heart.  Everything that is love will follow suit.  Love can move mountains.  Without love the whole world would wither and die.  Think about it.  We can scholar all knowledge about God, but without really understanding the omnipotent love that abounds Him, what do we learn in life?  After all, how priceless is your unfailing love?  Jesus gave us that priceless love because He knew, what we are just beginning to learn.........God bless, Deaconess Barb.